June 18, 2022 at 7pm
725 Union Street, Brooklyn NY 11215
Beauty in the Qi
June 18th @ 7pm

An Evening Length Performance
Choreographed and Performed by: Deborah Jackson
Sound Design: Quentin Chiappetta at MediaNoise
This dance project is an opportunity to share the path from intellect to wisdom.
When we are younger we are rewarded for acquiring skills and knowledge, cataloging it, bragging about it, exploiting it. If we are not careful, this path can lead to vanity, carelessness, delusions, poor choices and suffering – even if you are loving and kind. Only later did this dancer realize that awakening was meant to be my path all along. The opportunity to face the shadow side, delusion -maya. Knowledge is not wisdom. It requires a lot of letting go, compassion and love lifetime after lifetime until the moment comes when you finally escape samsara – the wheel of birth and death and birth and death. So for the brief moments we are together, I do not want to just entertain the audience, I want to inspire them to reconnect to Self, their true nature, innate happiness and real power. Through the ancient gateways of Qigong and dance, I believe and practice Movement as Medicine.
“The point is not to take the world’s opinion as a guiding star but to go one’s way in life and working unerringly, neither depressed by failure not seduced by applause.”
– Gustav Mahler
Masks and proof of vaccination are required to attend. All staff are vaccinated, and all staff with the exception of the performer will be masked during the event.
Union Street Dances’ Artist in Residence and Underground Movement, Vol. 5 performances were made possible by Union Street Dance home of Eva Dean Dance with funding from the Mertz Gilmore Foundation.